Friday, December 23, 2005

Parenting Techniques

Aggression, which can be both good and bad, is a normal human instinct. It spurs a baby to crawl and then to walk. It compels a preschooler to try to run as fast as her friends, and a school-age child to get good marks in school. When aggression becomes hostile, parents must help children control and use it to their advantage.

Due to the powerful link between mother and baby in the womb, a newborn can't sense where she ends and Mom begins. But around age 5 or 6 months, babies discover their fingers and toes and begin to realize that their bodies are their own, separate and apart from their mother's.

Babies reveal their temperament in many ways: through their attentiveness and ability to focus; their activity level; their regularity of feeding and sleeping; their ease or difficulty in adjusting to change; and their degree of sociability. By observing behavior, researchers (and, more importantly, parents) can get a glimpse of the kinds of personalities children will develop.

Even if you didn't try infant massage with your first child, you might want to check it out this time around. You may find that it benefits both you and your baby.


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